It’s the 1 year anniversary of Avi’s blog and I couldn’t be more proud of myself and the growth I’ve achieved with this blog! As you may have noticed there have been some major changes with the look, theme, and overall message of my website. OmiAmour much more represents ME in the way that I want to present myself, my ideals, and the messages that I want to send to my audience. The new name and brand thoroughly represents the encouragement and support that I want to bring to my community with the topics and events that will take place in OmiAmour!

I’ve always wanted to do things that would help and benefit the world. As a child, I thought of being a teacher, then a nurse, and then I wanted to be a singer! Occupations have always been a means to an end for me, when ultimately all I’ve ever wanted to do was LOVE people! Everywhere I went, everyone I met, I wanted people to feel genuine LOVE from me, regardless of how they reciprocated that love, I wanted them to have it. Aviana World Blog was a great foundation and it was also fun sharing ALL of the things that I loved with you all, but it was more my scatterbrained interests, than a clear vision of what I have to offer you guys in terms of beneficial support of you, whilst at the same time providing a therapeutic outlet for myself.

a·mour-/əˈmo͝or,äˈmo͝or/ : A secret love affair

OmiAmour is a new opportunity for me to express exactly what I AMOUR.…my secret love affair with life and truly loving humanity! I plan to provide even more love and support when it comes to relationships, family and self-love….oh yea and a little bit of wine!


Here’s what you can expect in OmiAmour.


Wine Reviews

  • Of course I’m going to keep doing wine reviews! I would also love to have your feedback on some of my wine choices! Don’t forget to give your own review!

Relationship advice/support:

  • You know what, if you would have asked me what I thought my audience would like to see come from Avi, I would have said something completely different than relationship posts! But the stats don’t lie! There was an overwhelming interest and engagement on my relationship articles and discussions and because of that, we will have a lot more discussions about relationships, marriage, parenting, and family oriented encouragement and support. ie how to cope after a divorce, how to balance the relationships in my familial arrangement, and how important is sexual compatibility

Community Support:

  • With this new section I want to get fully acquainted with my community, which includes but is not limited to, artists of all sorts and local businesses. Through Community Spotlight I want to have an interchange of encouragement by sharing my audience with the talented people I come across and vice versa. Join our community and spread the love!

2018 was an adventure but I look forward to all of the excitement and engagement that 2019 will bring! I hope you will join me, so make sure you subscribe and not miss a thing!
